Did you know that you can help us raise donations as you shop online via easyfundraising and Amazon Smile? It’s free (and very easy) to sign up to both and each time you make a purchase online we’ll receive a FREE donation!
Please click the button below to sign up and support us, you can even earn a £5 bonus donation for us if you successfully join and raise £5 as a supporter!
Amazon Smile
If you’re a keen Amazon shopper then you can also help us raise donations via Amazon Smile, please use the following button to sign in and support us.
Amazon Smile
Each time you have the urge to shop on Amazon don’t forget to shop via smile.amazon.co.uk
We’ve already raised an amazing amount since joining these platforms and every donation will go towards maintaining affordable and accessible music in the borough. For example, the Lewisham Music Bursary Scheme aims to provide support to those whose financial circumstances may prove to be a barrier to accessing music education opportunities, and who are not able to access support or assistance from other sources.