Our partner and associate organisations enhance our work in school and community settings through a diverse range of creative musical opportunities.
Co-delivered community performances.
Website: www.goldsmithscca.art/alchemy
Co-delivered community projects.
Website: www.artstrain.org.uk
Host and co-delivered community performances.
Website: www.blackheathhalls.com
We hosted and co-delivered community performances.
Website: www.fairbeats.co.uk
Workplace and careers opportunities for pupils; research.
Website: www.gold.ac.uk
Co-delivered community projects.
Website: www.groundedsounds.org
Sharing opportunities and best practice, partner in youth voice collaboration Lewisham’s Big Conversation.
Website: www.heartnsoul.co.uk
Co-delivered community performances.
Website: www.jusb.co.uk
Active partners of the Lewisham Live network, supporting strategy and facilitation of networks.
Website: www.leanarts.org.uk
Sharing opportunities and best practice, partner in youth voice collaboration Lewisham’s Big Conversation.
Website: www.lewishamyouththeatre.com
Co-delivered community projects.
Website: www.themidimusiccompany.co.uk
Co-delivered community projects.
Website: www.musicandtheatreforall.org
Co-delivered community projects.
Website: www.singabook.com
Concerts, recitals and workshops.
Website: www.songeasel.co.uk
Sharing opportunities and best practice, partner in youth voice collaboration Lewisham’s Big Conversation.
Website: www.soundslikechaos.com
Co-delivered creative skills programmes (18-25 year olds).
Website: www.sydenhamarts.co.uk
Collaborated on an action-research project funded by GLA to explore music and young people’s mental health.
Website: www.thealbany.org.uk
Collaborated on co-curated spaces within the museum to showcase YP’s music.
Website: www.horniman.ac.uk
Co-delivered community projects.
Website: www.tramshed.org
Co-created a range of large scale performance projects such as Climate Action projects and jazz development projects such as Jazz Hang.
Website: www.trinitylaban.ac.uk
Sharing opportunities and best practice.
Website: www.unit137.com
We have formed the Sounds of Lewisham network involving a number of the above organisations. These partners have active programmes of work delivered together, and the network ensures that the offer in the geographical area is well connected and that we are signposting young people to each other’s activities. The group also allows us to look at wider strategic priorities such as fundraising, workforce development and borough-wide events and festivals.
Regional and national
Working together to offer graded music exams, with Lewisham Music acting as a registered examination centre, hosting annual exam opportunities for children and families at The Fellowship.
Website: www.abrsm.org
Bursary schemes; talent development; progression.
Website: www.youngsounds.org.uk
Specialist equality charity working alongside Lewisham Music on an EDI programme around workforce, youth voice and organisational practices.
Website: www.brap.org
E-learning resource provider used in schools and community settings.
Website: www.charanga.com
Co-delivered creative skills programmes (18-25 year olds)
Website: www.independentvenuecommunity.com
SEND-focused workshops and musical experiences
Website: www.livemusicnow.org.uk
Bursary schemes; talent development; progression.
Website: www.londonmusicfund.org
Educational resources and training; ‘Open Sound Ensemble’ for special schools.
Website: www.lpo.org.uk
‘LSO On Track’ offers masterclasses, performance opportunities, and teaching training.
Website: www.lso.co.uk
A partner organisation providing access to high quality training, quality marks and networking opportunities.
Website: www.londonyouth.org
Co-delivered projects; festival and performance opportunities.
Website: www.mfy.org.uk
Open Orchestra at Greenvale School.
Website: www.openorchestras.org
Collaborated on performance opportunities for our young musicians such as Future Makers.
Website: www.royalalberthall.com
E-learning resource provider used in schools and community settings.
Website: www.singup.org
Research, youth voice, CPD & training.
Website: www.sound-connections.org.uk
Co-delivered jazz development projects.
Website: www.tomorrowswarriors.org
Working together to offer graded music exams, with Lewisham Music acting as a nominating for children and families.
Website: www.trinitycollege.com
Partner organisation creating talent pathway for flagship programmes such as Flames Collective and artist development programmes.
Website: www.udmusic.org
Referral and community
We are developing partnerships with the following local community organisations and networks to enable us to strengthen referral routes, understand local need and signpost young people and families to opportunities and support.
Website: www.bcp.uk.net
Website: www.bcp.uk.net
Website: www.lewisham.ac.uk
Website: www.lewishamlocal.com
Website: www.lewisham.gov.uk/lewishamworks
Working with Looked After Children.
Website: www.lewishamvirtualschool.org.uk
Website: www.phoenixch.org.uk
Website: www.refugeecouncil.org.uk
Website: www.younglewisham.org.uk
Website: www.youthfirst.org.uk
Music Education Hubs
We work closely with Music Education Hubs from across the country, are part of the London Hubs network, and recently have been the fund-holder and lead partner for projects delivered in partnership with the Hub Lead Organisations below.
Website: www.beatrust.org.uk
Website: www.bexley-music.co.uk
Website: www.bymt.co.uk
Website: www.ealingmusicservice.com
Website: www.hackneymusic.co.uk
Website: www.lambethmusic.co.uk
Website: www.newham-music.org.uk
Website: www.triboroughmusichub.org
Website: www.wfmusichub.org
We are part of South Riverside Music Partnership (SRMP – Lewisham, Greenwich, Lambeth, Southwark, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance). Currently SRMP are working with Sound Connections on multi-year inclusion focused CPD programme funded by Scops Arts Trust.