Get radio ready with Radio Lewisham’s brand new radio training sessions.
In partnership with Lewisham Young Mayor’s team, Bloomsbury Radio, and Undeniable, Radio Lewisham gives you the chance to work with industry professionals from across the radio sector. Our free programme of radio training will provide you with a crash course in radio production, radio presenting and creating on-air content, and editing shows.
This is a unique opportunity for young creatives aged 11-18, so come and take to the airwaves and develop your broadcasting skills.

Wednesdays, 5-7pm
Radio Lewisham – First Floor, The Fellowship & Star, Randlesdown Road, Bellingham, SE6 3BT
How to sign up
To sign up for our radio training session please click the button below.
Sign up this way
Radio Lewisham

Radio Lewisham is a diverse youth-led radio station giving a platform for all young people in the borough to share their views and creativity.
Going live from Lewisham Music’s HQ in Bellingham, Radio Lewisham is a joint venture between Lewisham Young Mayor’s team and Lewisham Music, with support from Bloomsbury Radio and Undeniable, giving young people a voice and platform.
Got an idea for a show?
We’re always looking for new shows, if you’ve got an idea then click the button below, submit the details to Radio Lewisham and come and join the journey.
Send us your show idea
Listen live
Tune in live to Radio Lewisham by clicking the link below.
Tune in to Radio Lewisham